The Bearded Doll

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The Bearded Doll

The French artistic collective P-ARTY returns to Brussels for an exhibition but, this time, it sends one of its members solo with its mosaics depicting the most famous doll in a hairy special edition.

The French artistic collective P-ARTY returns to Brussels for an exhibition but, this time, it sends one of its members solo with its mosaics depicting the most famous doll in a hairy special edition.

We are starting to get to know the P-ARTY collective well. He has already collaborated on several exhibitions at Spit It Out thanks to Fullmano, and Kriss has already written for its magazine, notably in an issue dedicated to the PA. This time, it’s Môh’s work that will be in the spotlight. Describing himself as “a small, sensitive and passionate artist” of Spanish origin, he lives in Paris with “a partner, a dog and three cats”.

From pixels to mosaic

I was born with a pencil in my hand and I taught myself to draw.” He expresses his passion in the mosaic. Even when he was very young, he made pixelated drawings in his squared notebooks. “I find it fantastic to represent shapes with a few squares.”, he tells us. “My mother did a lot of crochet and embroidery for which she asked me to draw pixelated patterns on paper for her. When video games appeared with very pixelated characters, I wanted to represent sexy men in a gay universe, using the first drawing software.

Today, his drawings are still created with simple drawing software. “The techniques are very varied, we can make pixelated drawings with mosaic, embroidery, painting, prints. You can play with an infinite number of mediums, such as rhinestones, studs, fabrics, etc.” We can feel the excitement when he talks about it, don’t you?


The Bearded Doll (La Poupée Barbue), the exhibition that he’s ready to present in Brussels, is a concept that he had in mind before the release of the film which has just been a hit in cinemas. According to him, it’s almost a coincidence that the elements are linked together now. “Barbie is a legendary doll and I thought it was cool to make a sexy man in underwear who we dress and undress… So I adapted it to my world, with a virile, bearded man, which I prefer.

At a time when we are trying to break the codes and stereotypes in society, Môh makes confessions to us. “When I was little, I was quite attracted to my sister’s or friends’ dolls but I didn’t touch them, not in front of the family anyway. I found it fantastic to dress, undress, style a doll, whether it was Barbie or her friend Ken, and make her beautiful.

It’s therefore this atmosphere that we’ll discover from 26 September and until the end of the year at Spit It Out and Homo Erectus by Spit It Out. “We will be able to see sexy characters, dressed and undressed, in their box, and above all, we must expect pixels, lots of pixels! I of course adapted a few pieces to the world of the store and the bar.


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