Prevention of STIs on vacation

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Prevention of STIs on vacation

With the arrival of the holidays, it’s essential to remember the importance of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Whether you are in a relationship or meeting new partners, protection must be a top priority to preserve your sexual health. Here are some key tips for staying healthy while on vacation.

With the arrival of the holidays, it’s essential to remember the importance of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Whether you are in a relationship or meeting new partners, protection must be a top priority to preserve your sexual health. Here are some key tips for staying healthy while on vacation.


First of all, it’s crucial to protect yourself by using condoms during sex, whether with a regular or occasional partner. Condoms are an effective barrier against the transmission of STIs, including HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia. Be sure to use quality condoms and store them properly, away from heat and direct sunlight. Always keep some handy, whether in your bag or suitcase.

In addition, it’s essential to show responsibility by knowing your STI status. If you are sexually active, it’s recommended that you get tested regularly for STIs, especially if you have had unprotected sex or changed partners recently. Early detection allows rapid treatment and reduces the risk of complications. Find out about screening centers in your town and ask for an appointment if necessary. Structures like ExAequo and Sensoa regularly offer free testing operations for the MSM public. Your family doctor can also refer you.


STIs know no borders

When traveling, it can be tempting to get carried away by the holiday euphoria and take risks. However, it’s important to remember that STIs know no borders. Risky sex can happen anywhere, whether it's your usual place of residence or a vacation destination. Stay aware of your actions and protect yourself and your partner. If you decide to have sex with someone new, be sure to have an open and honest discussion about STI protection and history.

Also, it’s essential to find out about the local health services of your vacation destination. Find out about nearby clinics or STI testing centers in case you need medical advice or treatment. It's better to know where to seek help in advance, than to feel lost or panicked when needed. Don't hesitate to take a first aid kit with you, including condoms and water-based lubricants.


Fetish & BDSM

Fetishists and people who practice BDSM will pay particular attention to the prevention of STIs. Their activities may involve practices that potentially increase the risk of STI transmission, such as role-playing, unconventional sex or the exchange of bodily fluids.

Here are some specific tips to consider:

  • Use appropriate protective equipment: In some BDSM practices, the use of specific toys, clothing or accessories is common. Be sure to use clean and sterile equipment. If you share toys or accessories with your partner, be sure to clean them thoroughly before and after each use. Use protective barriers, such as condoms or latex gloves, to reduce direct contact with bodily fluids.
  • Discuss STI testing and history: Before engaging in BDSM practices with a new partner, it is essential to have an open and honest discussion about STI testing and sexual practice history. Encourage each other to get tested regularly and share your recent results. This will minimize risk and build a foundation of trust in your relationship.
  • Prioritize lower-risk practices: Some BDSM practices carry higher risks of STI transmission, such as play involving cuts, blood exchanges, or open wounds. If you want to minimize these risks, favor lower-risk activities, such as role-playing games, domination and submission games without direct contact with bodily fluids, or practices that do not require penetration.
  • Watch for signs of infection: Watch your body and your partner's carefully. If you notice any signs of infection, such as rash, itching, burning, or pain, seek medical attention promptly. Do not ignore these symptoms, as early treatment can prevent more serious complications.
  • Set clear boundaries and respect them mutually: Communication is essential in any sexual practice, including BDSM. Discuss and set clear boundaries about what is acceptable for you and your partner. Respect these limits and do not feel obligated to engage in practices that put your health at risk.


Finally, everyone must remember that open communication with your partner is essential. Keep in mind that PReP only protects against HIV, not other infections. Make sure you're on the same page with your partners when it comes to sexual safety and make responsible decisions together. Set clear boundaries and respect each other. Now, enjoy your holidays and have fun!


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